2015 is going to be EPIC!

This is the year! I know we always say that every year with our health and fitness but seriously this year is the year!

What makes this year different from any other? MOTIVATION!!! You are motivated driven and ready to jump out of your comfort zone and create goals that push and inspire you to keep up your fitness. You don’t have to be training for a goal of completing an Iron Man. You don’t even have to be training for any particulate event, but you do need to be training for something besides just weight loss. If you shoot for just trying to lose weight, you are only going to be shooting for failure.

You need goals that drive you and encourage you to keep going everyday. The weight loss, that is a by-product of hard work, consistency and staying focused. Trust me, that is way more fun that standing on the scale everyday and analyzing the number that went down or up. Focus on the goals! Did you make your workouts this week? Did you put more effort behind your cycling rides? Did you push more weights on your lifts? Did you make better choices with your eating? Give yourself smaller goals that add up to the larger result and if weight loss is part of those goals too, great. Weight loss will come much faster if you focus on the meaningful things of working out instead of the numbers on the scale.

To sum it all up. 2015 will be your best year of fitness yet, if you focus on the fun and purpose of your workouts.

It’s a new year! You’re motivated, you created proper goal and you are going to work to achieve those everyday!

Happy 2015!